The Encounter by Stephen Arterburn is a sweet story that is highly sentimental and rather predictable, but if you want a easy read that gives you a little lift you will like this little book.
The book is fictional but the author has a long afterward that explains that it is based on different real life events----his own and those of others that he himself has encountered in his New Life seminars.
I read it in about three sittings and thought it would make a good Hallmark movie. (I like a simple movie with some conflicting relationships and a redeeming end.)
The best part of the book was the end where the author makes strong points about the need for and the power of forgiveness, as well as the destructive nature of anger.
Too bad he felt like he needed to explain to the Southern Baptists about his encounter in a restaurant where God taught him something that brought healing into life that involved wine. The aside took away from the testimony of God's faithfulness to him and I thought totally unnecessary.
I received the book as an ebook from Thomas Nelson's Booksneeze Review program for bloggers. This is opinion is mine.